
The Express want suggestions for polls

I just got an email from the Express asking for suggestions for 'Have Your Say' polls. Seriously! While 'The Express is a threat to Britain' was still the top story on this blog, I got this in my inbox:

After informing me that:
Gordon Brown broke his promise to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, so we decided to give you, our loyal readers, a chance to have your democratic say on www.express.co.uk

The email reveals a staggering 95% of online readers voted we should quite the EU! Of course, it doesn't reveal how many actual people voted, but there you go. Fancy that eh? 95% of Express online readers want to quit the EU. I wonder what they think of immigration. They never get asked their thoughts on that.

Anyhoo, the paper followed up with:
And now we want YOU to decide what our next major reader poll should be about.

Excellent news. My suggestion below the fold.

Here's my suggestion for a poll:
Thank you for your email requesting suggestions for future Daily Express polls.

How about:

"Should formerly respectable mid-market tabloids distort the truth and ask loaded questions of their readers in order to advance thinly-veiled racist agendas that bear a striking resemblance to BNP talking points?"

That'd be a good one.



You never know, eh?

Suggestions should be sent to web.help@express.co.uk, apparently.

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