
Where am I?

Hello people.

Sorry there hasn't been much in the way of posting here, but I've been having a long, hard look at Paul Dacre's evidence to the Culture, Media and Sport Committee and knocking together a post about it. The evidence session was quite long, but there's lots of nice stuff in there, not leas of which being his laughable claim that the Mail never ran an anti-MMR campaign.

Peter Hill's is next, in which he equally laughably pretends that the Express newspapers' coverage about Madeline McCann wasn't the worst of all the papers.

**UPDATE** Might not have to look at Hill's fantasies evidence after this thorough going over by Roy Greenslade.

D'you think these guys get shown a dummy copy of the paper and not the one that goes out to the shops?

Anyway, more posting soon. In the meantime comment moderation is on because of a weird spate of Chinese spam turning up all over the place.

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